Other than war and weather, the biggest problems facing the planet are producing enough food and energy, both consumed at staggering rates by a population growing faster than farmers and fossil fuels can keep up with. Solar farms are certainly helping address the increased energy demands in the U.S. and abroad. Sheep, goats, chickens, hens, turkeys and other smaller species have successfully lived on solar farms in the U.K. for years.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Utility Scale Energy Storage Idea # 3
Make use of an abandoned quarry by turning it into a pumped "water storage battery". Many abandoned quarries are deep enough to contain a massive amount of water with stone walls already there! A pumped water storage battery can store enormous amounts of energy, and release it very quickly.
Separate the quarry into two areas or use two quarries near each other with one at higher altitude than the other. When the Grid has spare electricity, the battery charges by pumping water to the upper quarry. At peak times the water is released through a hydro generator turbine. Peak electricity is more useful and hence more valuable than off-peak electricity.
Powered by electricity, pumped storage batteries produce no smoke and do not require fuel deliveries. Once the quarries have been made water tight and connected with a pipe, a properly maintained facility will work indefinitely.
Separate the quarry into two areas or use two quarries near each other with one at higher altitude than the other. When the Grid has spare electricity, the battery charges by pumping water to the upper quarry. At peak times the water is released through a hydro generator turbine. Peak electricity is more useful and hence more valuable than off-peak electricity.
Powered by electricity, pumped storage batteries produce no smoke and do not require fuel deliveries. Once the quarries have been made water tight and connected with a pipe, a properly maintained facility will work indefinitely.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Solar Panel Energy System Tutorials, Design Tools, and an Interactive Solar Simulator.
Our tutorials cover Solar Panels, Charge Controllers, Power Inverters, Storage Batteries, AC Generators, Wires & Cables, Meters & Monitors, and more. Complete system wiring diagram examples plus interactive online design tools are also featured with a point and click interface. NOT plain worksheets. No math required! And, don't miss our new Solar Energy Electric Power Simulator where you can test drive a Solar Energy System.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
More Women Wanted In The Solar Industry!
GRID Alternatives is leading a National Women in Solar Initiative to bring more women into the solar industry and support them in their professional advancement. Solar jobs are growing by 20% a year, and women’s voices, talents and leadership are needed more than ever to build a strong and sustainable industry. Join us!
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Utility Scale Energy Storage Idea # 2
Each “train car” is actually a concrete block pushed up the tracks at nearly 20 miles an hour. When released, these would run down the track gain, driving a turbine generating power to the grid, virtually instantly.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Utility Scale Energy Storage Idea # 1
Gravity Power is based on the proven principles of pumped storage hydropower. Gravity Power will sell turnkey plants using patented technology. Activities will include general management, marketing and sales, plant design, project detailed engineering and construction management, pump/turbine motor/generator purchasing, start-up and long term maintenance. Hundreds of megawatt-hours per shaft can be stored with high efficiency, since pump-turbines have low losses and friction is negligible at modest piston speeds.
Solar Power International Convention, September 12-15, 2016
Las Vegas Convention Center - North Hall & Westgate Hotel Las Vegas, NV. Solar Power International is North America’s premier business-to-business event for professionals in solar energy and related fields. More than 15,000 solar energy industry professionals from 75+ countries attend.
Solar Roadways prevent snow and ice accumulation
Solar Roadways® (SR) is a modular system of specially engineered solar panels that can be walked and driven upon. They contain heating elements to prevent snow and ice accumulation.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Solar Thermal Desalination Now Underway in Water-hungry California
A modest solar thermal desalination alternative now quietly undergoing permitting inland would produce 5 million gallons of water, about one tenth of that of Carlsbad, but at a much lower cost of just $30 million, using a solar distillation process. Thermal desalination is an ideal application for concentrated solar power (CSP), which turns sunlight to thermal energy. Unlike most CSP, which is used to ultimately drive a steam turbine to generate electricity, in solar desalination the steam is used directly in a solar still to simply evaporate out the waste.
Using Solar Power to Drill for Oil?
Glasspoint has landed a deal to build a gigantic 1 GW solar Enhanced Oil Recovery project for Petroleum Development Oman at the Amal West oil field. The biggest thermal energy user in the world is the oil industry; 98 percent thermal energy, only 2 percent electricity. This is why Glasspoint has focused on Enhanced Oil Recovery, by far the biggest industrial steam market. This solar technology makes the exact temperature steam needed for Enhanced Oil Recovery cheaper than gas partly because it can do that without the costly turbines and boilers of traditional steam generation.
What's a net-zero energy building?
A net-zero energy building is a building with zero net energy consumption, meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is roughly equal to the amount of renewable energy created on the site, or in other definitions by renewable energy sources elsewhere.


Extra Large Back Yard? Put it to good use!
SunSource prides itself on our extensive experience in solar energy design and installation and other renewable energy options throughout North America. We design, size and install an assortment of solar systems to help you reduce your energy bills.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Why Solar Energy usage is exploding!
At some magical threshold, the price of solar per watt (in orange) hit some tipping point and installation exploded (the blue part), dwarfing anything from the past. And the beauty of having exponential growth on your side is that very quickly, even the current blue spike will look tiny.
Geothermal and Solar Companies Collaborate for Super-Efficient Homes
Combining solar energy with geothermal is like a marriage of the power of the sun and the earth’s natural embodied heat energy. Geothermal systems employ the earth’s internal heat for heating and cooling homes, and for hot water.
Solar Energy International's Free Online Course!
RE100 is a free course that covers the basics of renewable energy, and is a great introduction for those new to the field, those who are looking to make a career change, or those who just want to learn more about energy from the sun, wind, and water, energy efficiency, and the basics of electricity.
You won’t emerge as an expert, but you will learn a lot about the different technologies and trends, what situations are more appropriate for one type of renewable energy system versus another,
You won’t emerge as an expert, but you will learn a lot about the different technologies and trends, what situations are more appropriate for one type of renewable energy system versus another,
World's Largest Solar Powered Farm
The $2.5 billion project was manufactured by First Solar and consists of nine million solar panels arranged over a massive 9.5 square miles. The Solar Farm is capable of generating 550 megawatts which is enough to supply power to 160,000 homes and eliminate 377,000 tons of Carbon Dioxide each year.
\World’s Largest Solar Energy Office Building
This vast fan-shaped compound in China is the "largest solar-powered office building in the world". Located in Dezhou in the Shangdong Province in northwest China, the 75,000 square meter structure is a multi-use building and features exhibition centers, scientific research facilities, meeting and training facilities, and a hotel - all of which run on solar power.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Google's Good Ideas Generate Zero Footprint
A better web. Better for the environment. At Google, we've worked hard to minimize the environmental impact of our services. If you add in our renewable energy and offsets, our footprint is zero. And we continue to find new ways to reduce our impact even further. Learn more about our efforts below.
What's better than a cold one underneath the scorching hot sun? A cold one brewed with POWER from the sun!
Here's the top 40 beer breweries worldwide that are using solar (PV) energy to brew their beers.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Do the Math: Using physics and estimation to assess energy, growth, options
A common question when discussing solar photovoltaic (PV) power is: “What is the typical efficiency for panels now?” At 15%, we’re in great shape: it’s plenty good for our needs. Let’s do the math.
Community Solar Power Plant installed on University Land
KALAMAZOO, Mich., Aug. 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Consumers Energy today announced that it has started operations at its second solar power plant, transforming 8.5 acres at Western Michigan University into a new source of renewable energy for Michigan. Participants who subscribe to Solar Gardens will receive a credit on monthly bills based on electricity that's generated at Solar Gardens locations. Learn more about Solar Gardens online at www.ConsumersEnergy.com/solargardens.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Upcycled steel shipping containers holding battery packs converted into Solar Powered Charging Station
Brookyln Bridge Park is upcycling steel shipping containers containing battery packs that have been converted into a Solar Powered Charging Station to power its electric service vehicles, which were purchased versus over gasoline-powered vehicles as per the park’s dedication to sustainability.
The station will also save the park $200,000 in gasoline costs, as well as prevent 530 tons of carbon dioxide emissions that would have been a bi-product of gasoline powered maintenance vehicles
The station will also save the park $200,000 in gasoline costs, as well as prevent 530 tons of carbon dioxide emissions that would have been a bi-product of gasoline powered maintenance vehicles
Should I go Solar? ... and other answers in pictures!
Home Inspector Bill Barber recently created an excellent infographic that details how solar panels can power homes and help the environment at the same time. According to the infographic, “1 hour of Energy from the Sun = 1 Year of Power for the Global Population”.
The Bright Future of Solar Powered Factories
Solar furnaces can produce temperatures up to 3,500 °C (6,332 °F), enough to manufacture microchips, solar cells, carbon nanotubes, hydrogen and all metals (including tungsten which has a melting point of 3,400 °C). These temperatures can be achieved in just a few seconds .
Solar furnaces not only have the potential to replace fossil fuels for the energy-intensive production of construction materials, chemicals, and high-tech products like microchips and solar cells, but they also offer additional benefits because of their pure combustion and selective heating capacities
Solar furnaces not only have the potential to replace fossil fuels for the energy-intensive production of construction materials, chemicals, and high-tech products like microchips and solar cells, but they also offer additional benefits because of their pure combustion and selective heating capacities
Work program trains unemployed oil and gas workers in solar technology
DENVER —Chris Turek, spokesman for Solar Energy International, said the company has focused on recruiting miners by going to workforce offices, other career transitioning programs and using their own connections with the coal-mining sector. He said the miners’ focus on safety, as well as their experience with mechanics and electrical engineering, can be easily transferred to the solar industry.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Top Solar Contractors
The 2016 Top 500 Solar Contractors list recognizes the contractors coast to coast, in the United States and Canada, who are working hard, growing their businesses and contributing positively to the environment. This fifth edition of the list is our way of saying thank you and congratulations.
We can’t wait for you to flip through this issue, which is packed full of stories and opinions, new companies to the list and veterans. We even feature 38 companies that have appeared on the list all five congratulations to them!
We can’t wait for you to flip through this issue, which is packed full of stories and opinions, new companies to the list and veterans. We even feature 38 companies that have appeared on the list all five congratulations to them!
Norwich Opens Largest Solar and Energy Storage System in State
Norwich, CT – Senator Cathy Osten (D-Sprague) joined U.S Congressman Joe Courtney and other guests for the ceremonial opening the largest solar and energy storage system in the state.
The energy storage system at Mountain Ash Farm is SolarCity’s first project that uses its GridLogic control platform to provide capacity services to a utility. CMEEC will be able to remotely and instantaneously dispatch stored solar energy if there is a disruption or disturbance in the power grid within its territory.
Solar Energy Is Powering New Careers And It Could Be Absorbing Coal Sector Job Losses
With the right incentives, coal industry employees could find the same gleam that their peers in the solar sector now have. Their premise is that the growth in solar energy employment in the United States over 15 years could offset and absorb the job losses that have occurred in the domestic coal business.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
How an obscure piece of technology will help put more solar on the grid
Advanced inverters, or smart inverters, are sophisticated versions of the devices long used to convert the direct current output of solar panels into the alternating current used by consumers across the electrical grid. Whereas traditional inverters are programmed to shut off during disturbances on the electrical grid, advanced inverters can continue to operate and even assist in smoothing out an increasingly variable grid.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
6 myths about renewable energy blown away
Imagine a world free of oil accidents, coal pollution and nuclear waste. A world where we wouldn’t have to feel helpless in the face of climate change, because we did everything we could to prevent further warming. A world where energy was clean, safe and available for all.
That world is within our reach now.
That world is within our reach now.
Facts and Myths about Net Metering For Solar Energy
Net Metering Brings Significant Economic Benefits
Net Metering Does Not Significantly Shift Costs
Net Metering Has Been Adopted By, And Can Provide Benefits To, Families Of All Incomes
Net Metering Enjoys Support From Communities Of Color, Combats Disproportionate Impacts Of Pollution
Net Metering Does Not Significantly Shift Costs
Net Metering Has Been Adopted By, And Can Provide Benefits To, Families Of All Incomes
Net Metering Enjoys Support From Communities Of Color, Combats Disproportionate Impacts Of Pollution
See Myths and Facts link below:
Solar Energy Myths & Facts
MYTH #1: Solar panels require more energy to manufacture than they produce in their lifetime.
FACT: A study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory conclusively demonstrates that the manufacturing energy cost versus the energy production payback for solar modules is generally less than 4 years.More Solar Myths exposed on the following link:
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Big Project? Check out Solar FlexRack
In 2009 we decided that we needed to change the way people looked at solar mounting systems. Our team of engineers took the challenge and created the Solar FlexRack, a unique, pre-assembled unfolding racking design that drastically reduces labor and installation costs in the field.
Today, we offer a wide range of custom assembled and unassembled utility and commercial ground mounts, as well as single-axis tracking systems. In fact, our large-scale commercial and utility projects are the cornerstone of our business.
Today, we offer a wide range of custom assembled and unassembled utility and commercial ground mounts, as well as single-axis tracking systems. In fact, our large-scale commercial and utility projects are the cornerstone of our business.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Three steps to protect a solar farm from lightning strikes
Solar farms are just big fields covered with conductive material. They’re almost asking for a lightning strike, which can damage or destroy solar panels, inverters and other critical equipment. So it’s no surprise that lightning activity and surge-related over-voltage abnormalities are identified as leading causes of solar project downtime.
What about Solar Water Heaters?
Solar water heaters -- also called solar domestic hot water systems -- can be a cost-effective way to generate hot water for your home. They can be used in any climate, and the fuel they use -- sunshine -- is free. There are two types of solar water heating systems: active, which have circulating pumps and controls, and passive, which don't.
Cam it be possible? Permit to plug-in Solar Power in 7 days?
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative, the SunShot Prize: Race to 7-Day Solar aims to motivate local governments, communities, solar companies and electric utilities to collaborate towards improving the “going solar” experience.
This competition offers a total of $10 million in cash awards to the best teams that bring process certainty and reduce the permit to plug-in time to a swift seven days for small PV systems (≤100 kW).

This competition offers a total of $10 million in cash awards to the best teams that bring process certainty and reduce the permit to plug-in time to a swift seven days for small PV systems (≤100 kW).

Solar Energy Jobs Outpace U.S. Economy
Across the United States, there are now nearly one million solar energy projects operating. All told, solar is saving Americans tens of millions of dollars per year on their electricity bills. And rooftop solar customers can expect to see savings every year for the 30-plus years their solar system is in service.
Solar Panels, Solar Kits, Solar Kit Components!
Solarhome is a premier provider of reliable, durable, proven photovoltaic systems from leading manufacturers, allowing you to harness this free energy alternative. Our grid-tie and battery backup options mean those cloudy days and long nights won't leave you without electricity.
Solar Power Abundance!
Solar energy is the most abundant energy source on the planet, by far.
For a micro-scale example, the solar energy hitting the state of Texas each month is equal to the total amount of energy the Texas oil and gas industry has ever produced.
For a micro-scale example, the solar energy hitting the state of Texas each month is equal to the total amount of energy the Texas oil and gas industry has ever produced.
Photovoltaic Basics: Common Questions about Solar Arrays
If you’ve spent any time researching solar energy systems and their benefits for your home or business, you probably have come across a few puzzling acronyms. You may have heard terms like “PV,” “CSP,” and “photovoltaic effect” and wondered what they meant.
Corporate Clean Energy Research Network Launched
There’s growing interest among corporations in procuring renewable energy and other advanced technologies to reduce their energy bills, ensure a reliable electricity supply and meet their sustainability targets. The problem is that many corporations don’t know how to go about doing it.
So the global energy management firm Schneider Electric built a solution.
So the global energy management firm Schneider Electric built a solution.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Disney and Google Trademarks are going Solar!
"A picture is worth a thousand words", an old saying that applies here:
Apple gets OK to start selling solar power
August 4, 2016 at 11:39 AM Federal energy regulators approved Apple’s application to start selling solar power at market rates. Apple has another power-sales application pending, to sell excess electricity generated via solar panels on the roof of its under-construction “spaceship” campus in Cupertino, Bloomberg has reported. Regulators in 2010 gave Google approval to make similar sales.
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